Sunday, December 12, 2010

Big Rock Traditional Ale

Today's offering is Big Rock Traditional Ale. This brewery is based in Alberta and as of now, ANBL only carries two Big Rock brews. Only sold in 6 cans, they currently retail at $ 11.98.

This is an English Style ale, pours darker brown with a very light head. You can smell the roasted malts and a few notes of sweetness, mostly caramel. Personally speaking, I was disappointed with this offering. It's not a bad beer per say, but it left me wondering if something was missing.

The taste itself felt watered down... And the taste that was left, felt like a mixture of light hops, sweet-ish malts and tin. I've never been a fan of beer only served in cans, and much prefer the bottled beers and I believe that this one may have fallen victim to the tinny devil of aluminum.

I am not going to steadily recommend this one as one of the best English Ales I've had, but it's also not the worst. Give it a shot if you really want, but if you don't, it's cool.

1 comment:

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