Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fullers London Porter

Hello again, Matt here. Alright so this is our third review of the night, however, we drank seven of them before this last one, the Fuller London Porter. This beer, of course, is a Porter. It is rich and has a dark hue. It pours very nicely, not even close to a Guiness or any regular Stout. With an %5.4 abv, this one sells for $3.99 and comes in a 500ml bottle.

After trying the Young's Double Chocolate Stout earlier, this one has a stronger coffee smell to it. Definitely not a beer to get drunk, even though I'm getting tired right now... Hum...

This is a beer to drink slowly, after a big meal or just to relax and enjoy. Nothing overly impressive, but a good one to start if you are looking to explore Porters and Stouts... just like me! However, I would still start with something like the Young's Double Chocolate Stout, since well... it actually has a taste of chocolate! (Mmmmmm chocolate..) Either one is a good one to start, smooth but slightly heavier than your regular beer.

On this, good night!


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